June, Currently...

By 11:06 AM ,

feeling: Inspired! I started a makeup and skin care course a few weeks ago and it's keeping me so busy. I was unsure of whether or not I should do it at first, but now that it's started I'm so happy I took the leap. I feel so inspired to be creative and am ecstatic that even my assignments don't really feel like work to me because I'm enjoying it all so much.

wanting: More makeup! Starting this course has made my makeup addiction even worse unfortunately. I have to create specific looks in class (natural bridal, glamorous bridal, day look, evening look, and a creative look) so I've been buying new things for each look.

looking forward to: Using my new Morphe palettes that arrived in the mail yesterday. They have such crazy colours in them that they're going to be so fun to experiment with!
craving: A holiday somewhere really really warm with sunshine and swimming and cocktails and relaxing! This course is certainly keeping me busy, and it got down to under 0 degrees last night so some warmth and relaxation would be the best!

planning: Looks for my portfolio assignment. I love creating face charts of each look I want to do and thinking of new ideas to create.

liking: Having a tan. I've been fake tanning each week with the Loving Tan 2hr Express tan in Dark and it's been so great having a bit of a tan, it always makes me feel a bit more confident. Also, the express tan is great! Usually I use the 6hr Loving Tan in Ultra Dark but the 2hr Express is brilliant and I find the dark colour better for winter because it's not as intense as the ultra dark.
disliking: The cold! It's so cold that I never want to get out of bed in the morning and I never want to dress in anything other than really comfortable, warm clothes. I want it to be a bit warmer so I have the inspiration to mix up my outfits a bit more!

eating: Nothing right now.

drinking: Water, but I should really swap that for tea because it's so damn cold. I'm gonna go and make a giant tea right now :D

P.s. The photos are of the first two face charts I did for my portfolio, the left is a day look and the right is an evening look.

Let me know if you like this kind of post, I've been so busy lately I haven't had much time to blog so I just did this as a quick little update :)

xx Bec

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