May, Currently...

By 12:59 PM ,

I thought I might do a bit more of a personal post today, because I haven't really posted anything about myself on here in a while. This is going to be like a dot point diary type thing that I might do every now and then. I thought it might be interesting to look back on, so maybe you'll be interested too.

feeling: Freezing! It's not even winter yet but my hands are permanently painfully cold, and getting out of bed is near impossible.

wanting: A mini holiday somewhere warm where I can just relax for a week. Work has been soo busy lately and my parents are away so it's been a bit of a stressful time the last few weeks.

looking forward to: Japan! Jake, Kalla, Zac and I just paid our deposit for the Niseko part of our Japan trip and I am SO excited that it's actually happening. Also, our hotel is insane!

craving: An entire day spent in bed with Jake and my dog, Molly. Last weekend it was so cold and it was pouring outside so we huddled in bed all day and it was the best, I want that every weekend.

planning: More of our Japan trip, and hopefully a Bali trip for July or August. We're going to be in Toyko for New Years Eve this year!

liking: Reading. I haven't read in months because I haven't had any good books lined up and I haven't had time to look for any. I bought a book on Tuesday night and finished it Wednesday morning; luckily it's in a 3 part series so I'm straight onto the second one!

disliking: How expensive real estate in Perth is. I'm obsessed with real estate and want to buy my own house so badly, I just wish they were cheaper - home loans are intimidating.

eating: I just finished my lunch, which was a chicken salad sandwich. I got the recipe from Bryan Talbot's Youtube. It was delicious, but I don't think it was worth the time and effort it took to make the mix last night after work.

drinking: Water. My physio keeps telling me I need to drink 1-3L a day, but I'm finding that to be a really hard habit to get into.

Let me know if you enjoyed this type of post.
xx Bec

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