Princess Polly Black Jumper

By 6:12 PM

Last week I bought a pair of galaxy tights from eBay, I'm not really sure what I'll be able to wear them with so yesterday I bought this black jumper that will hopefully work well with them. I got the tights for $45 including postage and the jumper from Princess Polly, reduced from $65, to $35. This weekend I'm getting Jake to help me block all my favourite online shopping sites from my computer because I am determined to save more money for travel. I bought the yesterday morning and got a confirmation email that said they would email be again once it had been shipped, Princess Polly claims to post your item the same day you order it, if you order before 3pm, I ordered the jumper at around 12.30pm but I still haven't received the email to say they've posted it. I'm thinking I'm going to receive an email soon saying they had another error and it was actually sold out, but fingers crossed that doesn't happen! Anyway, here's some photos of the jumper:

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