Cotton On Purchases
I made a purchase from Cotton On online recently and, after signing up for the first order, received a 30% off voucher, so of course I had to make another purchase! My first order consisted of a black blazer and a pair of loafers. I was in desperate need of a jacket that could be worn with dresses as I only really have a long cardigan which is pretty casual. To receive the free shipping I had to spend $50 so I also added the shoes to the order. This is the blazer, but in a different colour, as the black one is apparently all sold out now so I can't find the photo for it. I was going to get a second one of the blazer in this lavender colour, until I showed it to Jake and he said he really didn't like the colour. The black one would probably always be a preference anyway so I doubt I would have worn the lavender all that often. So, the black blazer was $39.95 and the shoes were reduced from $19.95 to $15.
For my next order I used the 30% off voucher, and have just realised that I totally forgot to write in the code for free shipping, but I may not even have been able to use two codes at once so it probably doesn't matter :P For this purchase I thought I would try and get my last purchases out to last me for the rest of winter and summer, so that I wouldn't have to shop any more and waste more money. (I doubt that reasoning will stick later...). So I bought two short sleeve tops with peter pan collars for summer and also a pair of flatform sandals because I've been wanting some for a while but hadn't found a cheap, nice pair yet. One of the tops is the same colour as the blazer I was going to get that Jake hated the colour of, but I really liked so I got it anyway :) The tops were $24.95 each and the shoes were $29.95.
I've got so much uni work due this week and I'm really, really stressing out. I allowed myself this post as a break from working but I'm really losing a lot of motivation. This week sucks. Anyway, as I say pretty much ever post lately, I shouldn't be buying anything else lately. If I get time I'll take some photos of some more of my favourite clothes from my closet, but no guarantees.