August Mood Board

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August Mood Board

Here is a collection of things I've been loving and/or coveting throughout August!

From left top > right top, left bottom > right bottom

1. Sports bras
I've been loving sports bras for a few months now. I used to wear bralettes everyday instead of proper bras, but now I just wear sports bras every day instead. I find them so much more supportive than bralettes but just as comfy! Win win! (I get my sports bras from Cotton On Body).

2. Missguided Faux Suede Biker Jacket
There's three of this jacket featured in the images because I love all three of these colours! Mustard, tan and grey. I don't own one yet because I can't decide which colour to get?! I'm leaning towards the grey though...

3. Noisy May Mom Jeans
I love these jeans! I saw them on ASOS a few weeks ago and fell in love with them, but am always so skeptical of buying denim bottoms (shorts or pants) online, because the sizing is so hit and miss. Then I saw Zoella unboxing the same pair in a vlog and I thought it must be a sign I should buy them! I still haven't though because I'm just so scared of sizing, but ASOS has free worldwide returns now so I'll probably end up buying a pair and then if they're wrong I can return and re-buy until they fit perfectly :P

4. Pull&Bear Denim Jacket
This jacket makes me so happy and so mad at the same time. I saw it on ASOS and fell in love and added it to my saved for laters straight away. At this stage I had hundreds and hundreds of dollars in my saved for laters so I chose a few favourite items to add to my cart to buy (the Missguided jacket made it into my cart!). To my shock I was informed that this item doesn't ship to Australia?!? I have no idea why this is still a thing? Can they not just ship it from their UK warehouse or at least give the option of paying more to get it shipped here? I was so irritated that I abandoned my whole cart in protest hahaha. I went on the Pull&Bear site and they don't ship to AUS either, and the person on their live chat told me that nowhere ships their clothing to Australia. What kind of day and age is this? No worldwide shipping? Who are you Pull&Bear?

5. Tabata Workouts
Tabata workouts are my new favourite! We started doing a few in my circuit class at the gym lately and then my boyfriend and I have done some at home too. It's pretty much just 20 seconds hardcore work, then 10 seconds break, for as many rounds as you set. I got a few Tabata apps on my phone and everything. Super high intensity workouts but the short time for having to work hard and the regular breaks make them great. I love changing up the exercises we do; variety makes working out so much more fun.

6. Sneakers
I'm loving this Adidas pair of sneakers, and a Nike pair similar to the one pictured. The actual Nike pair I like are on ASOS called 'Nike Pure Platinum Roshe Trainers'. They're $183.18 which is why I haven't purchased them yet. I'm turning into more and more of a cheapskate so buying expensive items is hard to justify while saving for more travel. I already have a black/white pair of Nike Roshes and they're the most comfortable shoes I own so I'd love love love to have a different colour option. I love the Adidas pair because of the style but also that colour! The dusty pink is to die for; I'd be happy with any minimal style sneaker in that colour, I just can't find the perfect pair I love enough to buy yet.

7. Whiskey
I've been into whiskey since we went to Japan in December 2015-January 2016. My all time favourite is Suntory Whiskey. Jake and I made a killer Suntory cocktail last night called 'The Beast' and damn was it good.... and incredibly strong.

I have a huge insatiable obsession with plants. Our house is covered in them and every week I buy more and more. My favourite is Devil's Ivy. We also made a herb and veggie garden that I'm SO excited to see grow.

I'd love to hear what things you're loving or coveting lately?

xx Bec

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